In a legal market so saturated that clients are insisting that outside firms rein in costs and firms are laying off lawyers and staff, three veteran New York-based attorneys believe they've found a niche that isn't yet being served. Philip Lacovara, 69, Evan Davis, 69, and George Davidson, 71, all appellate specialists, have teamed up to offer what they see as a valuable service: a moot panel designed to provide lawyers pursuing an appeal with honest criticism from a neutral source.

Operating under the moniker "The Panel," Lacovara, Davis, and Davidson plan to charge $8,000 apiece to review briefs, hear arguments and give oral feedback related to specific cases. The trio say that issuing written opinions is not part of their pitch and they will only do so if asked. The idea appears to be a rarity within an appellate bar that tends to rely on colleagues, friends or law school clinics to test arguments, often at little or no charge. Lacovara, Davis and Davidson argue that if a company has millions or even billions of dollars at stake in an appeal, spending several thousands more ensuring that the best possible case is made is a worthwhile investment.