Ancient Greek philosophers viewed wisdom to be one of the most highly valued virtues and much has been written about how virtually impossible it would be for anyone to succeed in their field without the benefit of one or more mentors. In the legal community, few have embraced the obligation to mentor others, including lawyers, judges and people from all walks of life, as Betty Ellerin has done throughout her career. She is also known as a fierce fighter for the downtrodden and others in need of a “voice.” She credits her parents for instilling in her a strong concern for the less fortunate and she never hesitates to speak out against injustice.

She has been described as “a person who refuses to take ‘no’ for an answer when trying to help the disadvantaged”; and “a person whose ‘moral compass’ is always pointed in the right direction.” She is known for her ability to bring people together and her sense of humor. She is called “a friend for life”; a “flame that ignites”; a woman who works her “special magic to get something done that others thought was impossible”; “a voice for women and children who are in need”; and someone who helped to make our courts more accessible and responsible to the community.