Signs of a collaborative firm

  • Each lawyer on the team knows what the client’s core priorities are, no matter where those priorities lie.
  • Partners have interpersonal “chemistry.” They give each other credit during a meeting; they look like they’re having fun.
  • Lawyers are familiar with each other’s expertise and experience. They’re able to talk in some detail about another’s work with clients.
  • A developmental pipeline exists. Partners delegate important, client-facing roles to younger partners or associates and are willing to give up the limelight to give them opportunities.
  • There’s consistency in billing, pitch documents, briefs, memos and the like.

Signs you need to do better

  • The client needs to introduce lawyers to each other (their own partners!) during a pitch.
  • Lumpy bills. Really good collaboration means that people are working in a steady state. When the number of timekeepers gets too big, too fast, or there are uneven spikes, collaboration may be suffering, either because of inefficient work or ineffective work.